The Proposed Law

The Economic Democracy Act

THE PROBLEM: Our entire economic system is based on frivolous debt that is too great to repay (at current pace) and incentivizes government waste, war, citizen debt slavery, wealth disparity, top-down exploitation and speculation/financialization of society.

THE SOLUTION: Pass the Economic Democracy Act to stop loaning money into existence for government, consumer spending or speculation. This law acknowledges that an advanced money and banking system is an important part of human development, but ours must be reformed. Money will only be loaned into existence for business purposes, in a way that empowers all. Every citizen from birth to death will be able to open an Economic Democracy Account (aka Capital Ownership Account) at their local bank to receive an estimated $10,000 credit every year (annual GDP increase divided by number of citizens), backed by the regional Federal Reserve. This credit can only be used to invest in dividend-paying stocks of well-run corporations. This capital ownership account will grow to produce a significant income throughout a lifetime; (see chart) $18,190 annual income at age 18, and a $660k nest egg producing $88,690 annual income at age 65 (projections). See for more details.

A.I., robotics, autonomous flight, biotech, space travel, etc. are all rapidly advancing technologies...but who will own them? Our antiquated money and economic system is not keeping up.. it will further widen the wealth gap and enslave us if we do not change it. The good news is: it only requires "people power" to fix it... and fuel our futures with financial freedom. The key is something called "Future Savings" learn about it here. Please help us reach every person with this message so they know this solution exists and can organize to demand it from our leaders! That is what this network is about, and we know we will reach ALL and get the EDA PASSED if each person who likes it does one tiny thing.

Please watch, share, like and subscribe to this video and channel.

"[My purpose] is to suggest reforms of the Federal Reserve Act that would be fully consistent with its original purposes-to provide an adequate and stable currency and foster private sector growth. These reforms would allow our country to take full advantage of the immense potential of a properly designed central banking system. They would restore a more healthy balance between Main Street and Wall Street, and between the non-rich and the already rich. The proposed reforms would shift the focus of the Federal Reserve from support of public sector growth and indifference [regarding] non-productive uses of credit, to support of more vigorous private sector growth, the favoring of productive uses of credit, and broadened citizen access to capital credit.

- Dr. Norman Kurland in "The Federal Reserve Discount Window"

"Productive capital is increasingly the source of the world’s economic growth and therefore should become the source of added property incomes for all."

- Louis Kelso

"Just consider the economic growth potential inherent in making every American, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or political persuasion, an owner of income-producing capital assets.. without creating one dime of government debt."

- Rick Osbourne

"In the past, most of America’s responses against Marxist aggressions have been defensive, our military actions in response to their military initiatives, our nuclear build-up in response to theirs. On the ideological level, calling our strategy defensive would be a compliment. Calling for “Freedom and Democracy” without building structures for “Economic Justice” is naïve. There is no meat on the message. We should not repeat this disastrous error in the future."

- Dr. Norman Kurland